By helping you find star candidates that become winning employees, we strive to remain a top recruitment company in South Africa…

When you’re looking for a recruitment partner that can assist you with all your staffing and human resource support needs, our objective is to be that recruiter who you turn to and trust. Our clients know us to be the one recruiter that offers a genuinely personalised service, where we truly understand your company culture and business goals.

With extensive experience across a wide range of industries and positions, we can assist you with:

Recruitment and Selection

Permanent Placements
Our permanent recruitment service is personalised and we will meet with you at your business to discuss your needs and understand your work environment and culture. We not only advertise your position and screen suitable applicants, but draw from our pool of talented candidates to provide you with personnel options that suit your exact needs. Our candidates come fully reference checked with the option of psychometric testing should you require.
Temporary and Contract Placements
We support your business with the expertise you need when you need it. Whether you need a temporary employee to cover your team for sick leave and annual leave, or if you’re looking for talent resources for a project – we can help you. Our pool of experienced, high-calibre candidates are fully screened and vetted, and are available to you for specific employment periods as you need.
Response Handling
We provide an end-to-end response handling service which includes everything from the writing and placement of adverts, to collecting and screening applications and the submission of all suitable candidates to you.

HR Policies and Documents

Performance Management Systems
Whether it’s reviewing your current performance management system or creating an appraisal process from scratch, we can assist you with the expertise needed to manage the performance of your employees.
Exit Interviews
If your HR Department requires professional assistance to conduct exit interviews in a way that protects both your employee and your organisation, we can help. Our team will structure the interview questionnaire according to your specific requirements and conduct the exit interviews at your premises.
Psychometric Testing | Thomas International
We have chosen Thomas International to provide you with objective, comprehensive psychometric testing to ensure you get the correct insights into your candidates cognitive ability and their potential to excel in their role.

HR Guidance and Advice

Policies and Procedures
As your company grows you need to ensure that you’re managing and treating your talent consistently. A set of policies and procedures will ensure that you manage your talent effectively and at the same time promote fairness and consistency throughout your organisation. We help you to develop policies and procedures that are specific to your organisation.
Job Description
A well-crafted job description advises current and prospective employees of what is expected in specific role. It can also be used to help determine compensation and performance reviews. Our team can assist you to compile the job descriptions that you require for your company.
Job Gradings
When you determine job grades within your business, you are able to ensure that your employees are remunerated fairly across specific lines of employment. We can help you identify your job grades and prepare the documentation needed to communicate remuneration with your team.
Employment Contracts
Avoid disputes and disagreements by having the required employment contracts in place. We can work with you to create a set of employment contracts that support your business and at the same time ensure that your employees understand their rights and responsibilities.
Employee Letters, Forms and Reports
It is preferable to opt for customised employee letters and forms in your business. Because we offer you a personalised service where we understand your needs and company culture, we are able to assist in compiling Employee Letters and Forms, as well as Employee Reports that are specifically designed for your business.
The induction of new employees into your business is extremely important as this helps the individual to acclimatise to their new work environment. If you do not have a structured induction program in place, we can assist you to create one, as well as help with the induction of your new employee into your business.

CV Writing

Professional CV writing service.

Interview Tips

Interview preparation steps.

Psychometric Profiling

Thomas International psychometric testing.

Cover Letter AND CV Template

Free guidance for your cover letter and CV.

A few of the clients we are proud te serve:

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